Artist: Rachel Dominguez-Benner

Everybody has a story around money, probably written a long time ago, when you were little, or during intensely emotional milestones throughout your life. I recently participated in an 8 week “Wild Money” course with a wonderful financial planner Luna Jaffe.

Part of our homework, as we worked through the chapters of our relationship with money, has been to draw. It has been very liberating for my natural creativity to be an asset in improving my relationship with money. The drawings have been very therapeutic. After having not drawn for the last 4-5 years, it has been a blessing and a gift to be drawing again.
Grow your gold 001

The prompt for this drawing was:  Draw your current relationship with Investing.  I didn’t realize until this drawing came out that I mostly felt like investing was full of scams and that was the only view I had of it.

 Grow your gold 002

The second prompt for most of the chapters is to visualize your ideal relationship with the given aspect of money.  For investing, the garden analogy is so wonderful. This drawing is of my ideal investment garden, varied crops, some just seeds, many maturing.

From a chapter about nurturing your nest egg, the first image is how I feel right now! Ready for the adventure of growing my nest egg, but a little unprepared for the journey, and right at the beginning!
My ideal relationship with my nest egg is to have a big nest egg, well protected and with a special sacred home! I LOOOOOVE the tee-pee in this drawing. And it was a very impromptu evolution of the drawing.

Artist: Rachel Dominguez-Benner

Artist: Rachel Dominguez-Benner

I love this piece.  It’s a mother/daughter relationship piece to show dependence and independence.  The broken pieces are part of this work. The work would be better described by the artist, my daughter Rachel.          Graciela Underwood-Dominguez